How to get estimated downloads, revenue for mobile apps and games?
How to check the in-app revenue and mobile app downloads in a given country or platform? How to find out...
[Job offer] We are looking for a Mobile Game Designer / Game Economy Designer
We are looking for a Game Designer & Game Economy Designer for new mobile game projects....
Roman Garbar (Tenjin): COVID-19 affects every industry in the world and mobile apps are no exception
What is the most important metric for any user acquisition campaign according to Roman Garbar (Tenjin,...
App Store Optimization: What elements impact app visibility on the Similar Apps (Google Play) card?
Why shouldn’t 2020 be about building an App Store Optimization strategy only for downloads from organic...
Vasiliy Sabirov (devtodev): In 2020, the most important trend in mobile game analytics is predicting player behavior
We decided to start a series of interviews with people from the mobile games industry on our blog. Our...
GWENT in Pre-Registration: analysis of mobile user acquisition activities
On February 11, the long-awaited Android version (version 2020.02.11) of GWENT hit the Google Play...
A true evergreen in the world of mobile games – a deconstruction of Top Eleven
Over the years the Nordeus team has proven that they can successfully monetise the popularity and...
The most fraudulent app categories in 2019 belong to Music and News
2019 is almost over and fraudsters have certainly made a profound dent in the industry. This year alone...
Motivated traffic, so-called incentivized traffic (installs) – is it worth using motivated traffic when promoting a mobile app or mobile game?
Is an advertising campaign for mobile applications and games using motivated traffic by new advertisers...
Why should you use Apple Search Ads in iOS app marketing? Four main reasons.
Will you be able to build the strategy of App Store Optimization with the use of Apple Search Ads? Will...